Look at this Jack Of Arts logo I made for this blog and count the number of things this poor guy is doing. Everything from sword fighting, writing and flutes to keeping one eye on the stars. I didn't have room to include family, community work, finding time to just lay low and sleep. (Maybe ol' Jack, he don't need no sleep)
Everyone's got a busy day but I don't need to keep heaping it on myself voluntarily. So in the spirit of that, I'm going to slack off on this blog before I get too deeply engaged. The time I spend writing needs to be employed on getting my fiction boiling over. I don't have the same freedom I did on retreat so I find myself putting it off and that's not right.
I'll continue to post stuff I want to share, but I guess for the time being, I need to set it aside and get serious about finishing my latest fiction opus, making the Narnia flute, creating beautiful jewelry, making videos to tell the stories on my flutes, keeping fit, enjoying the company of my wife and still keeping one eye on the stars.
I'd like to leave you with the suggestion that every once in a while you take the time to look up at the stars, too.