Today I'm facing a blank page on several
fronts - supposedly the artist's biggest nightmare. I just finished
reinventing my website, a batch of custom jewelry and some
subcontracting work. Now I have an open road in front of me with 3 big
blank walls looking for fresh paint.
The first is designing a flute that depicts the Chronicles of Narnia on the keys. Daunting enough if there was only one story to tell but the adventures of C.S.Lewis's fantasy span 7 books! How do I render that down to 20 images in silver? I could just highlight characters or scenes, but that's not 'telling a story on a flute'. So there's challenge number one before I even get close to any actual drawing.
The second blank page is the adventure story serial I'm trying to create and write - that I've had to put aside for months while I took care of other things. These stories are about exlpoits of an unusual superhero - a Real Life Super Hero (this is a real thing - google it). So, not only am I trying to create a whole world for my character, I'm also trying to invent a sub-genre of the superhero realm. How's that for a writer's block challenge!
Number three: this blog. I just set myself up to require a new piece of writing every day of the week. If that don't stress a body out, tell me what does.
I'm fortunate in that I've never had serious writer's block [knock knock). Probably because I've had too many diverse projects whizzing around my brain at the same time and jump from one to the other when I get stuck. But creative inspiration doesn't come at the turn of a tap and here I am this a.m. looking at my screen and wondering if I should clean the bathroom or scroll through Facebook.
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